Chris Penn 1965-2006
RIP Nice Guy Eddie
Since I spend most of my life at a bar named after one of his most popular characters, I thought it was my duty to acknowledge the passing of Chris Penn. Whether you remember him from Reservoir Dogs, True Romance, Starsky and Hutch or, my personal favorite, Footloose, he definitely had more than “that guy” status. So, in honor of Mr. Penn, I will be at Nice Guy Eddies tonight downing shots and remembering my favorite Nice Guy Eddie moment.
“The man you just killed was just released from prison. He got caught at a company warehouse full of hot items. He could've fuckin' walked. All he had to do was say my dad's name, but he didn't; he kept his fucking mouth shut. And did his fuckin' time, and he did it like a man. He did four years for us. So, Mr. Orange, you're tellin' me this very good friend of mine, who did four years for my father, who in four years never made a deal, no matter what they dangled in front of him, you're telling me that now, that now this man is free, and we're making good on our commitment to him, he's just gonna decide, out of the fucking blue, to rip us off? Why don't you tell me what REALLY happened?”
Oh, and for the record, my favorite Chris Penn moment is this:
Ren: You like Men At Work?
Willard: what men?
Ren: Men at work.
Willard: well where do they work?
Ren: No, they're a music group.
Willard: well what do they call themselves?
Ren: Oh no! What about the Police?
Willard: What about 'em?
Ren: You ever heard them?
Willard: No, but I seen them.
Ren: Where, in concert?
Willard: No, behind you.
Piazza to the Yanks?
In my inaugural City Vue posting, I'd like to explore the ramifications of Mike Piazza going to the Yankees. At this point in time, it seems to be a real possibility that he will end up on the wrong side of town. If this goes down, there are many questions that will be raised from a mets fan's perspective: Do you root for him to do well? Would you like to see him fail miserably? I think for any long time Met to turn to the evil empire, it certainly reduces their likeability factor down a notch or two. David Cone, Dwight Gooden, Darryl Strawberry...I used to love these guys as a Met, but they are forever tainted (excluding the drug abuse and wife beating). Will that be the case for Piazza, or will his image as a Met go unfaded? I, for one, was never completely enamored with Piazza...I liken him to Patrick Ewing - the star who could carry the team on his back, but lacked that special something, which created man-crushes on all their team's fans, maybe since they did not take their team to the glory land - although I think Piazza was more liked than Ewing. Anyway, even if Piazza is well past his prime, I would still frown upon him becoming a Yank. And of course, it's a no win situation - we'll still hear crap from Yankee fans whether he sucks (Look..Piazza is just bench fodder on the Yankees) or if he does well (see, just needed to go to the Yanks to revive himself). How do you all feel about it? I just hope he ends up with the Orioles...
Greetings from Beaver Creek
Well howdy, boys and girls (well, mostly boys, since no girls seem to check out this site). I'm sitting in our condo in Beaver Creek, CO, just a stone's throw away from the mountain that's been kicking my ass all week. Tons of snow, decent conditions, but my legs just haven't been up to snuff this week - perhaps as a result of a two-year hiatus from skiing. In any event, life is good over here, excellent food, beer, and I even hopped up on stage with our guitar-playing friend at apres ski a few times and stole his guitar (see picture). The other good news is (as some of you already know) we now apppear to have a wedding date for me and the future Mrs. Yes Joe It's Toasted. Easy to remember -- 7/7/07 in Princeton, NJ. I know, insanely in the future, but that's how this process works I guess. Anyways, that is all for now - I'll be back in NYC tomorrow night, so if anyone wants to watch the championship games on Sunday, I would be willing and able to down to poppers, wings, stinks, skins, fingers, pigs, etc. Let me know. Peace out.
Chuck Norris Facts
I really have nothing to say about this crappy, rainy, unseasonably warm day in NYC... so here is a fun site about
Chuck NorrisAnd a link to a
video of Tony Danza reading Chuck Norris a list of facts from the above website.
Yee Haw!
Transistor Radios, Old Men, and other Mis-heard Lyrics
This should be a fun category, and not just because I'm bored off my ass waiting for my 1-week Colorado vacation to start. I was listening to the radio today, and Van Morrison's "Brown-Eyed Girl" came on. This is a song that has always amused me for the sole reason that the line "goin' down in the ol' mine with a transistor radio" sounds exactly - and I mean
exactly - like "goin' down on the old man with a transistor radio." Now that I've shared that with you, I defy you to listen to that line and NOT hear about Van going down on the old man. It's impossible.
All of which brings to mind another top 5 category: Let's hear your favorite mis-heard song lyrics, i.e., lyrics you know he can't possibly be singing, but lyrics that your ears inevitably choose to hear.
The Dance
Yeah I am procrastinating and don't want to write a journal entry for one of my clients. And you thought these celebrities are really writing these things. Yeah, right.
Anyway, the other night my buddies and I were talking about last week's episode of The Office, and were cracking up about Michael's dance, which got us talking about the best dances over the year's on television. I am sure there a ton that I forget, but I am going to list my top 5, and always, all 5 of us on this thing who post comments can give theirs.
Next week we will have a Top 5 on how to get more people to comment on this blog, because I think it deserves more recognition. It's pretty funny at times, certainly moreso than some of these BS political blogs.
I digress. My Top 5.
5) Any dance scene on ChIps
4) The Elaine from Seinfeld
3) Michael Smith's Jungle Dance from The Office
2) The Chicken Dance from Job and Lindsey on Arrested Development
1) The Re-Run - Hands down the best dance
OOOOOh, Rog, you're gonna get it.
City Vue Episode IV- A New Hope
It is a period of civil war. Rebel Apus, striking from a hidden base in Georgetown, have attempted to win their first victory against the evil Blogger Empire.
So last week, when a few of us were out discussing Napoleon Dynamite, sports, and Mario Kart, a certain someone whined because he does not have rights to post City Vue (or, as it has become known as "THE SCHWIZZ"). I think that it might be time to expand the authoring circles. Since there are a total of like 6 people that read this blog, I think we should make everyone a contributor. Then maybe they'll tell all of their influential friends and we can start raking in the $1.79 a month in ad revenue from Google. Cause it's all about the greenbacks, yo.
Who's with me?
Oh, and just for your amusement, here's another "Name that Caption" contest.
"That WAS my most serious face", Schwizz said after reviewing the digital camera.
Hunting video
I had to post this
video, which is essentially a real-life re-enactment of The Schwizz playing Buckhunter II. Enjoy.