Piazza to the Yanks?
In my inaugural City Vue posting, I'd like to explore the ramifications of Mike Piazza going to the Yankees. At this point in time, it seems to be a real possibility that he will end up on the wrong side of town. If this goes down, there are many questions that will be raised from a mets fan's perspective: Do you root for him to do well? Would you like to see him fail miserably? I think for any long time Met to turn to the evil empire, it certainly reduces their likeability factor down a notch or two. David Cone, Dwight Gooden, Darryl Strawberry...I used to love these guys as a Met, but they are forever tainted (excluding the drug abuse and wife beating). Will that be the case for Piazza, or will his image as a Met go unfaded? I, for one, was never completely enamored with Piazza...I liken him to Patrick Ewing - the star who could carry the team on his back, but lacked that special something, which created man-crushes on all their team's fans, maybe since they did not take their team to the glory land - although I think Piazza was more liked than Ewing. Anyway, even if Piazza is well past his prime, I would still frown upon him becoming a Yank. And of course, it's a no win situation - we'll still hear crap from Yankee fans whether he sucks (Look..Piazza is just bench fodder on the Yankees) or if he does well (see, just needed to go to the Yanks to revive himself). How do you all feel about it? I just hope he ends up with the Orioles...
Couple of thoughts:
1. I heard that Piazza to the Yankees is probably not happening, so this is most likely all moot.
2. If he does dare to don the wicked pinstripes, then he is the enemy and I shall root for him to fail miserably. No question about it. And that's coming from someone who worshipped him for the past 8 years.
I have really never liked that guy. I really just liked staring at his wife's ass when we went to that one game. It is a non-issue for me, because deep down I am happy he is gone. On a side note, I saw Keith Hernandez at Wolensky Grill yesterday. We all felt like we were in a Seinfeld episode.
That is one magic loogy.
Did you give Keith your card? He may not have East Coast representation as yet-
i think he's got a booker
I assume we are going to opening day again this year? Who is in?Row V, here we come!
thank god you geek mets fans wrote abou this
thank god you loser mets fans wrote about this
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