Friday, July 01, 2005

Happy Fourth of July

In honor of the holiday weekend, I have compiled a list of the five lamest "fireworks".

5. ladyfingers - nothing but a "pop" and thats it

4. morning glory- a sparkler with some flare

3. sparklers - 'nuff said

2. smoke bombs- totally annoying unless they are thrown on the field during a kickball game in Brooklyn

1. those ash snakes... how lame



At 1:21 PM, Blogger SonnyD said...

What happened to #1? I think roman candles should be added to that...although it is kinda cool to hold it in your hand..

What about the best fireworks? I always liked the one with the parachute....

At 1:41 PM, Blogger maybe i can help... said...

ok... my list of coolest cheapo fireworks:

jumping jacks
roman candles
and of course, the bottle rocket and whistler

i dont count those stupid q-tips that you throw on the ground and make popping sounds. those aren't fireworks

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Toasty Joe said...

One time when I was a kid we launched some bottle rockets at the cars going by on I-95 until we realized it probably wasn't a great idea. Hey, it happens.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Toasty Joe said...

For the record, those "stupid q-tip things" are called "snaps." I think.


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