Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Happy 6th of July

Ahhh, you have to love the 6th of July. That day that you have finally gotten back to normal from consuming about 144 bud lights, and 40 bratwursts all weekend. The day that you realize, yes, you do have a job, and actually should start working again.

What i did realize this past weekend is that it is pretty cool not to have any TV, internet, cell phone service, or really any communication for a couple days. It was amazing how many important things I missed. I mean Luther Vandross died. Apparently some lady Sandra Dee retired from a court, and George Bush is giving the same speech that he was giving in 2003.

London 2012!!! Thank god that's over. Did anyone really want to travel out to Flushing for the Opening Ceremonies? Yes, us Mets fans would have felt so much of a sense of pride that these global games would be celebrated in our home stadium, but its Flushing.

The Yanks are only 4 games back now, and will probably take first place over right after their 4 game set with the Red Sox in two weeks. I mean you can set your watch by this stuff.

I was thinking last night about all the Mr. Met references we had made, and realized we neglected to celebrate any of the other mascots that are near and dear to our hearts. Thus I give you my Top 5 Mascots.

5) Bernie Brewer - I mean he slides into a beer stein after home runs
4) Buzz from the Charlotte Hornets - man could that guy dunk off a trampoline
3) Mr. Met
2) The Philly Fanatic
1) The San Diego Chicken


At 6:08 PM, Blogger SonnyD said...

I guess i'm partial to Mr. Met myself, after the previous comments, but I would have to pay homage to a fallen mascot...the recently deceased Youipee!

At 9:03 AM, Blogger maybe i can help... said...

lets all pour out a bit of our 40oz of Labatts for Youipee.


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