Top 5 Things I've Learned in the Past 24 Hours
While we await The Schwizz's grand Super Bowl Recap Post [EDIT -- SEE THE POST BELOW THIS ONE FOR THE SCHWIZZ'S TAKE], I thought I'd fill the space with this inane musing.
1. While Tom's sausage bread tastes great, consuming more than 2 pieces may result in intense gas pains.
2. Coke has now come out with Black Cherry Vanilla Coke. I'm drinking it with my lunch as I type this. Not bad. Grape Coke is next, I guess.
3. The Rolling Stones are old. VERY old.
4. When it comes to cooking mozzarella sticks, Sonny folds under pressure.
5. Stryufadell from Ramona's in Franklin Square tastes good, but leaves one coated in powdered sugar like a coke fiend.
BONUS REVELATION #6: "Dancing With The Schwizz" would make a great reality show.
What the hell is that abomination... there is no red stuff in my sausage bread! Oh and the place for pastry is Ramona Lee... and I'm happy to report, that the place didn't collapse when danny mentioned the word "babka", but i think the old Italian lady in the back had a heart attack.
Actually, it was "kishka," not babka.
please scroll down from sauage bread to super bowl recap post as well
This is as good a place as any to add that I believe the referees robbed the Seahawks of an easy cover yesterday. I mean, any way you slice it, but for the ridiculous calls (Darryl Jackson's non-PI, that phantom holding call in the third quarter that negated the Seattle completion to Jeremy Stevens at the 2 yard line; the ridiculous chop block call on Hasslebeck's tackle on the INT), Seattle definitely would have come within 4 points of beating the Steelers. This is an outrage to those of us who defied the conventional wisdom and took the 'Hawks and the points. We should have been rewarded for thinking outside-the-box and instead got royally screwed by the zebras, who obviously were in on the NFL's mandated Jeromoe Bettis Super Bowl XL Coronation. Thank you. You can now go back to discussing appetizers.
In case you haven't already seen this, check out the movie trailer for the latest Oscar Darling to sweep the the Future:
one of the best movies of the year...brokeback to the future is a tour de force that reinforces our belief that good will triumph over evil all the time, as well as some older pedopheliac will always take over some younger dude like that episode from different strokes
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