Monday, February 06, 2006

Steelers, and Silcone/Snoop, and Seahawks, and Puppies Oh My!

After spending several days in the Super Bowl city of Detroit, and then going to Sonny's yesterday, it was certainly a whirlwind weekend. There were no Michael Irvin sightings, however I did stay at the Seahawks team hotel where I tried to steal the Game Plan/Playbook from Matt Hasselbeck while in the elevator. I also saw such esteemed ABC network stars as Jim Belushi, Kyle McLachlan from InJustice, the black doctor from Grey's Anatomy, and a couple other non-descript individuals.

The highlight was probably the silicone laden Penthouse Party, where Snoop Dog proceeded to smoke more weed than was in the bag from Club Paradise while on stage getting 1000 white people to yell Smoke Smoke. Classic.

After 3 hours on a hotel floor it was back on the Northwest flight home to the beautiful suburbs on Long Island, where i was plied with every bar food known to man (great job Sonny). I think I still have some of Tom's Sausage Bread clogged in myartery (see last post for picture of Sausage Bread).

I would have to say this game had a lot left to be desired. I think I've been more interested in watching the Subway Sandwich artists or the Cold Stone Creationists. Man, who doesn't love a good Caramel Turtle Creation. Jerome Bettis could be the Stay-Puff Marshallow Man, and Bill Cowher turns more tricks than a C-Level Porn Star at the AVN Awards. In any event, it was nice to see the Steelers win, so we can shut my friend Adam Weiss up for a little while.

Thinking that the commercials would help us out we waited patiently, but that really didn't work either. But, then with a glimmer of hope, we found Animal Planet's Puppy Bowl II. Don't ask what happened to Puppy Bowl I, because I haven't been able to find it anywhere on DVD, but this was by far one of the greatest highlights of Super Bowl lore. Who doesn't love a beagle getting his ass kicked my a Pomeranian.

In the end, I left Sonny's with a stomach ache, a small buzz from the several beers I drank along with the remnants of the 18 vodka red bulls I drank the night before, and $500 because I was the lucky schmo who had 1 and zero at the end of the game. Thank god for Mike Holmgren's clock management ineptitude.

That said, today's Top 5 is what should The Schwizz do with his $500.

5. Buy a $500 30 year Savings Bond?
4. Pay off my VIP Star Trek Club back dues
3. Put it towards the child support for my love child in Los Angeles?
2. Trademark "Dancing with The Schwizz", TV's next hot reality show
1. Two Words - Montreal Escorts


At 2:30 PM, Blogger Toasty Joe said...

The Puppy Bowl II was the greatest thing ever to air on TV. I got home in time to see the very end, when the announcer praised the "great pupsmanship" that was shown by all of the competitors. Oh, and at one point there was a referee who came out and threw a flag for "intentional grounding", i.e., pooping on the rug.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Anneliese Kelly said...

In the beginning, the play was unorganized. But the creation of the Puppy Bowl in Aminal Planet Stadium has allowed some true superstar pups to emerge. Like Roxie, who brings an elegance and attack never before seen in the game.

And don't forget that amazing half-time show. Kittens and confetti!

At 6:42 PM, Blogger The Schwizz said...

at one point in the puppy bowl i thought i was at a Ho Down. Make sure you vote for the MVP. Quick update. Danny!! the beagle mix who warmed all our hearts is leading with 33% of the vote.,

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Toasty Joe said...

Wait....Snoop Dog smokes pot? Who knew.


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