Cohagen, Give the People Aiyeyererer

I'm on my way to the dentist today, and thought about having to sit in that chair and have them rip into my mouth. Next thing I'm thinking about is the chair that Arnold sits in for Total Recall. So, my next thought is the title, thanks to YJIT for his love for the phrase. So, what are your favorite Arnold quotes?
5 - It's not a tumah
4 - Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
3 - Title reference
2- C'mon..Keel mee...I'm heeah...Do it noawww...
1- Get yaw ass to mahhhhsss!!
Nice category. I would pick some of the ones you picked, but to avoid repetition, here are 5 fresh ones. Let me know if you can guess what movie each one is from.
1. Your clothes. Give them to me.
2. Come on, baby. You know you're the guyrll of my dreeemzz.
3. Run!!!! Go!!! Get to the choppahh!!!
4. Took him out wit da heat-seekah.
5. (Responding to "What happened to Buzzsaw?") He had to spleeet.
5. "If it bleeds, we can keell it"
4. "Consider dis a deevorce!"
3. "Your foster parents are dead."
2. "Killian, here's your Subzero, now plain zero."
and number one:
"If I would do another 'Terminator' movie I would have Terminator travel back in time and tell Arnold not to have a special election." -after all four of his ballot initiatives were roundly defeated in the special election he called
In no particular order:
1. "Dat's not who you ahhh. You you ahh is inside you." (poignant moment from Eraser).
2. "Yakity Yak! Don't tolk bak! Don't tolk bak!" (from Twins)
3. "Come with me eef you vant to leef." (Terminator 2--Judgment Day)
4. "And ladies and gentlemen, if you believe that we must be fierce and relentless and terminate terrorism, then you are a Republican!" (2004 Republican National Convention)
5. "Ice to see you." (Okay, that was Rainier Wolfcastle, but it's still a favorite of mine).
That should lead us to our favorite Rainier Wolfcastle moments:
- Up and at em....better
- real acid?
- my eyes! the goggles do nutthin!
Bookie, your number 2 just made me spit up my hot cocoa I was laughing so hard. That movie was such a piece of crap. Here's another one from it:
Mmmmm.....I LIKE nuked food!
The tird rule in a crisis
Well, as long as McBain's in the picture:
Bart: Hey McBain, I'm a big fan, but your last movie really sucked.
McBain: Yes. Dere vas great problemzz from ze beginning.
Chief Wiggum: I'll say, "magic ticket" my ass, McBain.
McBain: mighty heart iz breaking. I'll be in ze humvee.
On further inspection....they are loooafers
Same episode:
McBain: The movie is just me standing in front of a brick wall for 3 hours. It cost eighty million dollars.
The Critic: How do you sleep at night?
McBain: On top of a large pile of money, vith many beautiful women.
Mcbain: That outfit makes you look like a homosexual.
Audience: Booooo!!!
Mcbain: Maybe you all are homosexuals, too.
"I can think of another bed."
what grown man drinks or calls it hot cocoa.
if we are going to mcbain, here are some ralphisms
My cat's name is Mittens
My cat's breath smells like cat food
When i grow up, I want to be a principal or a caterpillar.
Oh boy! Sleep! That's when I'm a Viking!
Do you like Stuff?
Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers
I'm Idaho!
Me fail English? That's unpossible!
Who is "Shoot the Glass," and why are you stealing my old fantasy football team name?
Oh, and "I bent my wookie!"
it's rao...I was thinking of changing to my old fantasy football team name, Seduce and Destroy.
"What's a diorama?"
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