Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Musings From the Day

I ran across a great game the other day. It is called Donkey Conga. I think everyone should check it out. It could be the most amazing evolution of a game since Amercian Idol evolved into So You Think You Can Dance.

I was passing by a Taco Bell the other day, and harkened back to the times when i could scarf down like 7 of those soft tacos. I was thinking I might be able to put back 3 at the most these days. I wonder hwo many everyone else could put down. maybe we could have a soft tack eating contest instead of Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest.

I actually got an explanation of the airline crosscheck at the end of the flight. I though it was just a hard check in hockey, but apparently it is when the flight attendants go across each other to see if the other flight attendandt's door is secure. But that got me to thinking of all the other stupid airline terms. If anyone has any they would like to share, please do.

Six Words - Laguna Beach - Back to the Beach.

Two books I highly recommend - Freakenomics and Kite Runner

I know I just can't stop highlighting the virtues of Wedding Crashers, but I heard another really good movie is Crash.

If anyone wants to take the Karaoke thing a little further, there is a thing called Movieoke below Two Boots Pizza on AVE A and 3rd street. Apparently they let you act out the scenes as they play right behind you. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

Well, I'm off to Huntington Beach for the best surf event of the year. Speak on that later.


At 11:59 AM, Blogger maybe i can help... said...

hmmm... i live near Two Boots, a Taco Bell, and own a Nintendo Gamecube... that can mean only one thing...

Soft Taco Donkey Konga Movieoke party at my place!!!!

At 1:20 PM, Blogger The Schwizz said...

that is like the trintiy right there


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