Monday, March 06, 2006

Baseball Fever!

Yes, after a lengthy hiatus, DANCING WITH DA SCHWIZZ is back and psyched as ever for the upcoming baseball season. Perhaps not as psyched as Jeter and A-Fraud, as evidenced by this picture. Methinks it's time for a new caption contest. Who can beat these?

(a) Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez re-enact a scene from "Brokeback Mountain" for their teammates.

(b) "Hey Alex, why do I get the Heimlich when you're the big choker?"

(c) "C'mon, Derek... Cecil Fielder told me you used to be able to take 10 inches!"

(d) Jeter and A-Rod reveal demonstrate special "Yankee" squeeze play for rookies.


At 12:42 PM, Blogger SonnyD said...

alex, i can understand why your nickname is not "The Unit"


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