Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The TWU and Other Criminals

There is a great editorial in the Daily News today that really does sum up what I feel about this strike nonsense. I confess I don't really know if their grievances are legit or not, but frankly, I don't care. Cops can't strike, firemen can't strike, EMTs can't strike, and transit workers can't strike. They knew it when they signed up for their jobs. It is one thing if you're underpaid, it's another thing to take a whole city down with you with sadistic tactics like this. Really outrageous.

Having said that, I've had a relatively easy go of it thus far - been carpooling from the UES with 3 other guys from my office (all of whom live just a few blocks from me), and we've been cruising down the FDR, since there's no line to get on at 90th St (the big backup starts higher up, where the cops are checking cars for 4 people one at a time, apparently). Yesterday we got to battery park in like 15 minutes, and today was around 30. Not bad. Trip back was a little rougher last night, an hour door to door.

Props to the judge who are fining these criminals $1 mil a day. If only this Toussaint lunatic had to pay it out of his own pocket. I propose a class action of all NYC commuters against him in his personal capacity when this is all over.

Feel free to share thoughts, stories, etc.



At 8:13 PM, Blogger The Schwizz said...

Its interesting that you are taking this stance since you always seem to be fighting for the little man. Of course, I guess when you are finally effected you really don't care about these people.

I say let the free market system work itself out. In fact, I think we have realized that maybe we should revamp our NYC car commuting laws, because it has been kind of nice in the city with these new rules.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Toasty Joe said...

The TWU's strike is HURTING the little man who relies on the transit system to get to work to earn minimum wage or at least a lot less than the transit workers make. There's a reason this strike is illegal.

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Toasty Joe said...

Also, how can you say I'm taking this position for selfish reasons, when I made it clear in my post that I'm having a relatively easy go of it so far in my carpool?


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