Tuesday Night Musings

Ok, I just heard a rap song on Music Choice by The BackWudz which sampled "I don't like the look of it" from the Oompa Loompas of Willy Wonka fame. Say what you want about rap, but these playas are creative.
Can someone agree with me that every pharmacy in New York has the slowest and longest lines of any stores in New York? It doesn't matter. CVS, Rite Aid, Duane Reade all are like entering a doctors waiting room where you sit there for like 30 minutes and all you can read are 3 year old issues of RedBook. I walked by my local CVS at 840 tonight and there was a line of like 8 people. One could solve the unemployment problem by just hiring people for the drug stores in NYC.
Is it a prerequisite that every movie store rental employee has to be some high school drama student reject who just dorks out about any movie ever made? I just was in a movie store where I listened to this guy go into a 5 minute solioquy (sp) about how Natalie Portman's role in Vendetta was her best since closer. I then had to listen him tell me how the new Harry Potter had much more action adn was much darker than the other ones after I just asked if it was pretty good.
I think we may have already mentioned this, however I think the Sleuth channel could be the best rebranding on TV ever, outside of The Nashville Network's transformation into Spike. I mean what other channel allows you to view reruns of Miami Vice, Simon and Simon, A-Team, and Knight Rider. These are classics of our time. Now we just need a Magnum PI marathon.
And to follow up on Joe's fine post on Grey's Anatomy, it brings us to a new top 5 of most annoying chick shows on TV over the years.
5. Aly McBeal & Felicity - tied although I give the edge to mcBeal since that chick was not hot and the Felicity was smokin.
4. Gillmore Girls - shoot me
3. Desperate Housewives
2. Will & Grace - if Debra Messing got naked this show might be cool
1. Sex and the City - I think I just threw up in my mouth
Good post. A few thoughts:
(1) If we're talking slow pharmacy lines, nobody but NOBODY was worse than the Rite Aid on 86th and Lex, right off the subway stop - There's nothing like waiting 40 minutes to buy a freakin roll-on deoderant. I swore off all Rite Aids after having been burned there one time too many. I guess that's why they recently closed that location, they were hurting from losing my business.
(2) I have never in my life seen a single episode of "Simon & Simon." Does that mean I'm going to hell?
(3) Some chick shows you left off your list (other than Grey's Anatomy, of course): Dawson's Creek, Mad About You, and The Love Boat. And does Melrose Place count? I know a lot of guys liked it, but I was not one of them.
I wonder the same thing about drug stores. I think the staff gets paid to keep the store crowded or something.
I don't know if it counts, but to me, Oprah is the chickiest show of all. Before the remodeling of my apartment was finished, Deb and I spent 2 weeks living with my buddy and his wife. His wife TiVo'd Oprah every day, and watched it every night religiously at 10:00. Every time she turned on the show, I felt the estrogen levels in my body creep up, my penis shink, my beard grow inwards and breasts begin to develop on my torso. It was so bad, that I actually retired to the bedroom at 10:00 p.m. and curled up on the air mattress with a book. I'll take Gillmore Girls over that experience any day of the week.
Pedro expects to miss Opening Day
The pharmacy line at my CVS is ridiculous!! I always get behind some blue hairs that are picking up their $500 worth of prescriptions for the month. They call it a drive through for a reason people!
Magnum rocks! I love those old reruns. You do have to admit Tom has aged very well. Remember when he played Monica's boyfriend on Friends? The guy is like 61!
I think David Hasseloff's soon to be ex-wife is charging him with battery. This will not be a rerun I soon choose to watch. Maybe he should go live in Germany where he is idolized. Those Germans will show him the love.
Another chick show you missed is "The Bachelor" I just love to watch the cat fights!! You know guys could learn a lot about girls from watching. It makes you understand why women really drive men nuts. Hey I'm trying to be compassionate here. If I ever act like one of those contestants please put me out of my misery!!
Congrats Bookie!
By the way, the worst thing about this anonymous fudgepacker who keeps posting vague anti-Mets stuff on this site is the fact that he's anonymous, so we can't post anything on his fudgepacking Yankee board. But if he's reading this, great job in the World Baseball classic by A-Fraud, aka "Mr. March"!
Dear Joe its toasted-
1) your name is STUPID
2) just because you made the mistake of getting engaged and you root for the horrendous mets dont take it out on some person you dont even know.
3) good job spending all that money on the pitcher with the bad toe- HA HA
hey anon-
you are obviously another disgruntled yankee fan who knows their team is on the descent to mediocrity, and envious knowing that the mets are set to take back this town.
Enjoy the next decade with your skankees.
Headline on nydailynews.com: Big Unit has a Little Unit!
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