Tuesday, June 07, 2005


The Scholar on ABC is a pretty good show. I like a good show that has quizzes on it, and preys on the emotions of poor smart kids. There definitely will be some good drama on this summer hit.

Liverpool should be in the Champions League next year. They won the title and should be allowed to defend it. If it means having a play-in game between some team from Turkey and Alabania, then so be it.

I am kind of sick and tired of rich hollywood types a) catsigating the media for making up stories about them, and then b) talking about how everyone should be doing more in Africa. First of all, your whole life is make believe, so shove it. Second, why don't half your $20 million per movie and donate it to the Sudan. That should make you feel better.

The subway is really hot in the summer. That is why I have started taking the crosstown bus.

Enough Danica Patrick. Sure she's hot, but you can't even see her in her racecar. Now, bikini in a dune buggy, that might work.

My favorite thing on the Yahoo! Front Page is that little random article about the weirdest thing you can possibly imagine. At this very moment its Seattle Tops list for Wireless Web Access. That's informative stuff right there.


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